
Biggest Threat to our health, and illness is not bacteria, deficiencies or alterd body mechanism but sadness, negative thinking, worry about finance, failure, and craving for materialistic pleasures. Read the blog to learn more about health and happiness and trasform life

Colour Codes Guide

Each Symptoms are coloured Red Blue, Green and Yellow depending on the severity of the illness. Chat GPT first identify the colour to find out the severity of the symptom, and then find relevent inforation tailerd to you, and explain in the language you can speak and understand..


Young adults and children assumed the pandamic has come to an abrupt halt, unaware of the silent pandamic that is spreading faster than I imagined. lllness, and Infections can occur in healthy adults, and children result in devestating complication, and even death if you don't Act soon

Effective Symptom Management

Knowing WHAT you must do, and not asking friends, family, nurse, chemist or rushing to hospital or doctors...

Symptom Severity

Understand the Colour Codes, is essential. Please watching videos and listening to what Dr Maya GTP say. When you are stressed, anxious you cannot comprehend information, but can recognise the colour...

Dr. Maya App 

Be Smart, eneter three symptoms, and ask Dr Maya will help you save cost, time, and your loved ones. This App has all the information, and shor videos to watch. Personal Medical Organiser wihich is held by you.. 

Dr Maya Symptom Checker
(will be activated soon)

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